Discover our formula milks
1Based on Nielsen value sales – 52 w/e 25th March 2023.
2160 HiPP BabyClub members tested our follow on milk powder, and 99% of testers would recommend - 01/23.
3As required by law.
4Everything, apart from our foil bags, is fully recyclable.
Breastfeeding is best for babies and has many benefits for both you and your baby. It is important that you eat a healthy well-balanced diet in preparation for and during breastfeeding. If you are considering changing over from breastfeeding or combining breast and bottle feeding, talk to your midwife or health visitor first. Once the decision to stop breastfeeding has been made, it is difficult to go back. Partial bottle feeding with infant milk, especially in the first few weeks, may reduce the supply of your breast milk. The cost and social implications of using formula milk should be considered. If you use formula milk, it is very important that you use infant milk throughout the first year (or follow on milks can be used from 6 months). It is important that you follow all usage instructions very carefully. Failure to choose an appropriate feed or to use it incorrectly can be harmful to your baby’s health.