Formula milk information for healthcare professionals

Our organic milks range is the number one organic range in the UK*, known and trusted by parents to feed their little ones with formula milks made from premium quality organic ingredients, farmed sustainably and quality personally guaranteed by our family. You can download datacards and healthcare professional-specific information on our products below, or visit the milks section of our consumer website for more general information.
Download useful powder and ready-to-feed data cards below:
HiPP Organic First Infant Milk Powder Datacard
HiPP Organic First Infant Milk RTF 200ml Datacard
HiPP Organic First Infant Milk RFT 470ml Datacard
HiPP Organic First Infant Milk RTF 90ml Datacard
HiPP Organic Follow On Milk Powder Datacard
HiPP Organic Follow On Milk RTF 200ml Datacard
HiPP Organic Growing Up Milk 3 Powder Datacard
HiPP Organic Growing Up Milk 3 RTF 200ml Datacard
HiPP Comfort Milk Powder Datacard
HiPP Anti-reflux Milk Powder Datacard
Learn more about identifying and treating feeding problems in our comfort and anti-reflux leaflets.
If you have any questions, please email us, and we’ll be very happy to help you.
*HiPP Organic follow on milk has a 93% share of the organic follow on milk market in the UK. Source: IRi unit sales data 52 weeks to