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Sweden lies in the North of Europe, occupying the eastern part of the Scandinavian peninsula. The mountain ridge of the Scandes marks its northern and central border with Norway. Towards the east, the landscape becomes flatter and the mountains become hills that end in numerous skerries and fjords at the Gulf of Bothnia. To the south of the hilly landscape, there are numerous lakes in the Central Swedish lowland. In the south of the country you can find more hills that connect to this lake district. Due to the fact that Sweden has a very elongated shape from north to south, there are big temperature differences across the country. In general, Sweden is subject to a continental climate, which can partially be somewhat maritime in the south of the country. During the warm and dry summer period, temperatures can rise to 30°C, while temperatures can drop to -40°C in winter. The geography of the country means that only 7% of it can be used for agriculture. Farms are mainly located in the south of the country and in the Central Swedish lowland. The climate in these regions is favourable for the cultivation of potatoes, sugar beets and grains. This is also why we were able to find the perfect conditions here for growing our HiPP Organic oats.