People in the focus

Satisfied employees create a good future
In the HiPP company structure we attach great importance to a reliable and optimal working climate for our employees. Our social standards easily surpass what is standard and legally required in this industry. We preach sustainability and practise it too.

We are a family-friendly company
With flexible working hours we encourage the compatibility of family and career. In Pfaffenhofen at the moment, 150 parents are working part-time, and nearly all of them have their own individual work model. 75% of them are mothers with children. We also look after childcare.

We offer further training
All employees regularly take part in systematic courses and make use of our wide-ranging training offers.
We support youngsters
For years we have had a steady number of apprenticeships, with which we secure the future of our family-run company and enable young people to get a good start in their working lives. Young specialists have the option of doing a dual degree. The apprentices learn about our commitment to sustainability in voluntary environmental operations (tree-planting days, creation of amphibian ponds and nesting places for birds, etc.).
We are international
Employees of 20 different nationalities work at HiPP. We are particularly proud of this cultural diversity. It enriches the company culture and strengthens our successful performance in the global environment.
We take social responsibility seriously
Social responsibility includes looking beyond your own nose and showing solidarity with families in need. With regular food donations we help where our help is most needed.