Giving you confidence at every stage
Baby products are a bit of a minefield – so many choices! So much information! When it comes down to it, sometimes you just want to know what other parents like and why. So, we’ve asked HiPP fans to share why they choose HiPP.
What HiPP parents say about us...
More and more families are choosing HiPP
Become an ambassador
Is your little one a BIG fan of HiPP? Do our products feature in your kitchen cupboards, bathroom or changing bag? Then we’d love to have you on-board!
As an ambassador, you’ll receive free products*, the chance to feature on our social media and work with us on campaigns and product launches. What we're looking for:
- Parents-to-be and parents with little ones aged 6-18 months
- Fans of HiPP products
- Over 500 followers on Instagram
Important notice: Breastfeeding is best. Follow on milk should only be used as part of a mixed diet from 6 months. Talk to a Healthcare professional.
*Please note, we will only send out Follow on Milk and Growing up Milk to ambassadors who have confirmed they are currently using them and their child is 6 months.
**10% off HiPP's online shop does not apply to our First Infant, Anti-Reflux or Comfort Formula Milk.