Baby Development: 3-4 Weeks Old

Babies of this age...
- Can see to a distance of 20 to 30cm (just the right distance to focus on mummy or daddy's face when being held!) and will stare raptly at faces
- Already know their parents' voices
- Sleep a lot - between 16 and 16½ hours in 24, including up to 4 naps per day
- When being held, babies of this age may make little bobbing or “woodpecker” movements - the first attempts at lifting their heads
Getting enough (or at least some) rest
As you've no doubt realised by now, loss of sleep is pretty much the badge of new motherhood. Our advice: let the housework go (or ask someone else to do it!), and take a nap whenever you get the chance. Encouraging your partner to take a shift bathing, changing, cuddling and playing with your little one can give you more time to rest. Don’t be afraid to ask your mum or a close friend to help you if you are on your own or your partner is not able to be with you.
Snack smart – and organic, if you can
For someone so small, your baby will manage to take up a lot of your time. If you have to rely on ready-prepared foods or hastily thrown-together meals a bit more at the moment, don’t worry about it – just try to add some organic fruit and vegetable snacks wherever possible to help you stay strong and healthy.
Body image concerns
You may worry that your body is still looking rather different than it used to – but try to remember that your erstwhile bump is still recovering from the massive (and wonderful) job it just did! It's fine to do some gentle post-natal exercises once your doctor gives you the go-ahead - but don't feel you need to hit the gym. Simply going out for a daily walk with your baby is one of the best things you can do to benefit you both.
Keeping up the fluid intake
Drinking plenty of fluids is also key, and it's especially important if you're breastfeeding. You might like to try HiPP Organic fruit juices which are refreshing and low in acidity.
Breastfeeding can take a little time to establish, so don’t lose heart if you are having some difficulty – issues like sore nipples are very common, and often a bit of good advice can help solve the problem. Your midwife, health visitor or breastfeeding counsellor will be happy to listen and help.
Breastmilk gives your baby just the right nutrition, plus valuable antibodies, so it's worth persevering if you can manage it.
Bottle feeding
If you do plan to switch to bottle feeding at some stage, it pays to give careful thought to your choice of infant formula. Your best bet is to choose one which contains Omega 3 & 6 LCPs and prebiotics (oligosaccharides). Both are found in breastmilk (and, not coincidentally, also found in our Combiotic first infant milk).
Using a bottle
If you're breastfeeding, it's best not to introduce your baby to a bottle at all before about 4-6 weeks of age, because it can make breastfeeding more difficult for both of you. After you've got an established routine, though, you might choose to get your baby used to a bottle for times when someone else needs to give a feed (if you're going out, for example, or going back to work).
Registering the birth
If you haven't already done so, you'll need to register your baby’s birth within 42 days of the birth date. Our article on registering the birth will take you through the process.