Louise, The Honest Midwife

Hi, my name is Louise, I am a Registered Midwife, founder of Let's Talk Birth and Baby and the face behind Instagram's The Honest Midwife. I have worked in health settings for the past 30 years, the majority of which have been working in children and family settings.
Trying for a baby, pregnancy, birth and becoming a parent are all amazing milestones in our lives and my privileged job is to make you feel as special, well informed and supported as possible. My Dad always used to say, "If you are old enough to ask the question, you are old enough to be given an honest answer." This is something I have carried with me throughout my career and always strive to provide balanced, honest and evidence based information to families throughout pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond in the hope that there are few surprises to take new and expectant families off guard.
Throughout lockdown I have taught over 30,000 expectant parents in Let's Talk Birth and Baby online classes which continue to receive rave reviews each week - and a Brucie Bonus - not only is your first class FREE if you sign up to HiPP Baby club you can enjoy 15% off other classes too!
You can also join me on weekly Instagram Lives to ask all your pregnancy and parenting questions and I am super excited that I will be a regular visitor here at HiPP UK providing you with all the information you need for this exciting time in your lives.