Keeping a record

Yes, you have a million things on your plate right now - but recording your baby's milestones is something you'll treasure in years to come.
Okay, so it's not the very top thing on your priority list – certainly not as urgent as a wail of hunger or a dirty nappy. But, as you'll no doubt have noticed by now, your baby is growing and changing every day, and it's worth keeping track of some of those milestones for posterity.
Of course, the best record is the one that actually gets created, so do whatever's easiest for you. Some mums like to keep a written journal of dates and happenings – first smiles, first foods, and those unintelligible first words and babbles – while for others, it's easiest to take loads of pictures and movies with their smartphone. Whichever way you do it, your effort will be well worthwhile – someday you'll be looking back at these moments with your not-so-little little one, and you'll both be amazed at how far you've come!
You'll probably also be chatting to your other mum friends about what your baby's been doing (and don't forget, you can also swap your proud milestone stories with other new mums on our Facebook page.) Just keep in mind that all babies are different, so try not to worry if your baby seems to be behind some of the other babies. They all develop at their own pace.