Seasonal vaccinations

These jabs can help you stay healthy during pregnancy, which is why doctors say they're a good idea.
Should you have the flu jab?
If you're pregnant, it's a great idea to get the seasonal flu jab. Flu is a highly infectious illness that spreads quickly through small droplets coughed or sneezed into the air by an infected person. In some people – including pregnant women – it can cause serious complications like bronchitis and pneumonia, which can affect your pregnancy.
The flu vaccine is safe to have at any stage of pregnancy. The vaccine is "inactive", meaning it can't cause you to get the flu, but it will help protect you against catching it. If you have the jab while you're pregnant, your newborn baby will also be protected for the first few months of life.
Why you should opt for the whooping cough jab, too
Whooping cough is becoming increasingly common in the UK, and it can be a real danger to babies who are too young to immunise. Because of this, the Department of Health is encouraging all pregnant women to have the pertussis (aka whooping cough) vaccine during pregnancy.
If you get the vaccination while you're pregnant, the vaccine will not only boost your own immunity, but will pass it on to your unborn baby, too. If you're vaccinated between 28-38 weeks of pregnancy, this immunity will help protect your baby from whooping cough until he can be immunised against it himself at 2 months of age.If you'd like more information about either of these vaccinations, speak to your midwife or GP, or you can visit the NHS Choices website.