Argentina is a republic in the south of South America and is characterised by three types of landscapes: to the east there are the geologically ancient mountains, to the west the younger mountain ranges, and in between, a large plateau created from deposits and backfill. This in itself is divided into dry forest and bush savannah, the swampy-fertile interfluve and the fertile pampa. Due to its large area and elongated form. Argentina has different climatic zones: in the north and northeast of the country the climate is subtropical, whereby in the mountain regions it can also be dry. In the south, on the other hand, there is a dry and cool climate. Due to these different climatic zones, the flora and fauna varies widely. Vast areas of the country are characterised by a warm and moderate climate. Here, fruit such as HiPP Organic pears grow especially well, as in summer the temperatures are warm and precipitation is high.